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General Standards

We use the ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 (AQL) as its sampling standard and acceptable level of quality. This method is widely used to decide whether to accept a production lot without checking every single item. This standard now has equivalents in all national and international standardization organizations such as BS6001, ABC105, ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, NFX 06-022, ISO 2859 and DIN 40080.
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Product Inspection Checking Criteria

Prestige Projects general on-site checking includes the following criteria:

Besides the above, we can carry out a tailor-made inspection according to your criteria. A comprehensive report with photographic evidence is provided within 24hrs after inspection, detailing the Prestige Projects inspector’s findings and outcome. We can also send you a same day inspection report (within 6hrs after inspection) upon your request.

Barcode scan test
Product appearance
Colours & logo
Packing & marking
Performance & function tests
Size & measurements
Carton condition
Shipping marks

Defect Classification: 3 types

1. Critical defects

Critical defects are defined as non-compliance with mandatory regulations that may harm the consumer’s health, safety, or the environment. These include defects of product functionality and safety, as well as defects in product quality, i.e. appearance.

For electrical products, an example of a critical defect would be if your product doesn’t pass a hi-pot test or earth continuity testing, indicating unsafety of the product that poses a risk of electric shock.

For textile products, the detection of broken needles in a textile piece will be considered a critical defect, and for children’s toys – the presence of sharp corners of plastic/metal that can harm a child is considered critical.

Also, defects related to non-compliance with hygiene, product storage conditions and the risk of spreading diseases, for example, the presence of hair, mold, blood drops on the product or packaging, traces of insects, etc.

The default tolerance for critical defects according to AQL is 0, which means that even if one critical defect is detected, it is not recommended to accept the batch for shipment, and better to recheck the whole production again for defects.

2. Major defects

The second most important set of defects are major defects, which affect the functionality of the product. These defects are likely to result in function failures or reductions of the usability of products or obvious appearance disfiguration, which may affect the salability of products.

An example of major defects in electrical products is non-compliance with the specified product characteristics. For example, if the actual power of your power bank does not match the power indicated on the label – this case happens quite often, because suppliers replace the batteries inside the power bank (or insert a dummy) and pass them off as more powerful.

Loop stitches and open seams are examples of major defects in the textile inspections. Such defects can lead to poor structure, the product might lose its marketable appearance. Incomplete or excessive stuffing of plush toys, for example, is also considered a major defect.

The classification itself based on well-established examples from inspection practice. You can add your own examples and create a list of major defects based on your expectations about the quality of your own product. Some customers include defects of the logo and marking in this list, as misplacements can have a bad effect on the brand image.

The most widely used tolerance of major defects according to AQL is 2.5. For a sample size of 200 pieces, the acceptable number of defects in this case is 10 pieces. If an inspector finds 11 or more defects in a sample size of 200 pieces, it is recommended not to accept the batch.

3. Minor defects

Product defects that will not reduce the usability or function of the product, but are beyond the defined quality standard, are minor defects. These are mainly defects in product’s aesthetics and appearance that are less noticeable, and which are located on non-central parts (parts B and C) of the product.

Spots, scratches, dirt and dust marks on the product, slight deformations or slight gradation of color – all these are examples of minor defects that can have a negative impression on the consumer due to an imperfect product appearance.

It should be understood that even the smallest speck of dust can affect the quality of products. For example, dust inside the LED panel or light bulb will leave dark spots on the panel itself, and the light distribution will not be ideal.

Again, you can make a list of minor defects yourself according to your understanding of the quality level of your products and their compliance with the expectations of your customers.

The default acceptance limit of minor defects according to AQL is 4.0. For a sample size of 200 pieces, the acceptable amount of minor defects is 14 pieces. If an inspector finds 15 or more defects in a sample of 200 pieces, it is recommended not to accept the batch.

ASTM D5430 4-Point System

The 4-Point System, a standard under ASTM D5430 – 07(2011) that specifies a method for establishing a numerical classification for grading fabrics from a visual inspection, is the most commonly used fabric inspection system in the garment industry. It may be used for the supply and adoption of fabrics with criteria and tolerance agreed previously between buyers and sellers.

This scheme does not assign a quality level to a product; instead, it assigns demerit point scores to defects to define them according to their seriousness levels. This method can rate any form of fabrics, whether it’s grey or finished.

Example of caption for accessibility
Defect Demerit Point
Length of defectDemerit Points
3 inches or less1
> 3 inches & < 6 inches2
> 6 inches & < 9 inches 3
Over 9 inches 4

How the 4-Point System Works

Owing to the scale, consistency, and importance of the defect, the 4-Point System assigns penalty points from 1 to 4. A single flaw may be granted no more than 4 penalty points. Since the system is the same for all directions, a defect may be assessed in either the length or width direction. Only major defects are taken into consideration while minor defects are not penalized.

Example of caption for accessibility
Inches(") (MM) Points
From 0" > 3" length/width Up to 75mm 1 point
From 3.1" > 6" length/width 75mm > 150mm 2 points
From 6.1 > 9" length/width 150mm > 230mm 3 points
More than 9" length/width More than 230mm 4 points

The total defect points are calculated for 100 square yards of fabric, and then based on the company’s predefined acceptance criteria, the fabric roll is graded. For example, assuming that after inspection of fabric roll of size 120 yards and width 45 inches, the following defects were found:

Example of caption for accessibility
No.of DefectsDefects Sizes Points
5< 3 inches 5 defects * 1 point=5points
33.1 - 6 inches 3 defects * 2 points=6points
16.1 - 9 inches 1 defects * 3 points=3points
2> 9 2 defects * 4 points=8points
Total Defect Points: 22points

Total defect points per 100 square yard of fabric = (Total defect points in the roll x 36 inches per yard x 100 yards) / (Fabric width in inch x fabric length in yards) = (22 x 36 x 100) / (45 x 120) = 14.66 defect points per 100 square yards.

Acceptable Level

Some factories establish that up to 40 points per 100 square yards is acceptable, however, in the apparel and textile industry, apparel brands and buyers set their own standards for acceptable points.

V-Trust conducts plenty of inspections for textiles and fabrics, as well as for garments and footwear in China, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, Cambodia and Bangladesh. Full-time inspectors guarantee reliable professional inspection for your products while conducting specific on-site tests to ensure the long-term quality of the goods and ultimately your reputation.


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